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Kim Reads Books About Things

I like most books, particularly children's and YA. The fact that I am 21 does not and will never hinder this, and it shouldn't. A good book is a good book is a good book. Anyway. I'll read anything I can get my hands on if the mood suits me.

Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night (Booklist Editor's Choice. Books for Youth (Awards))

Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night (Booklist Editor's Choice. Books for Youth (Awards)) - Joyce Sidman, Rick Allen It's hard to review poetry collections the way I review novels, so let me just say that every poem in this book was like a perfect spiderweb, or as beautiful as a full moon, or some other poetic image. Admittedly, it's probably impossible for me to dislike a book named for and featuring a poem about an owl. Reading the poems, one by one, outside, at night during a full moon... If campfire poetry isn't a thing, it could be, thanks to this book.