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Kim Reads Books About Things

I like most books, particularly children's and YA. The fact that I am 21 does not and will never hinder this, and it shouldn't. A good book is a good book is a good book. Anyway. I'll read anything I can get my hands on if the mood suits me.

The astonishing adventures of Fanboy & Goth Girl / by Barry Lyga

The astonishing adventures of Fanboy & Goth Girl / by Barry Lyga - Barry Lyga Okay, I really do not like the main character of this book, like, at all. He's like the protagonist of "King Dork" without the charm. (And he breaks my cardinal rule of author-meeting: NEVER show the author you idolize your work when you go to meet them at a convention or something. Seriously. That kind of thing drives me NUTS.) And I really don't like the sexism and Improbable Female Behavior that runs rampant, which again brings "King Dork" to mind, this time an unpleasant characteristic of said book. So yeah. This is basically a less-fun version of that book all around. I don't know whether or not I even like it anymore. I used to, but now it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth whenever I think about it.